The lambs are driving us crazy. Where once they feared being within a hundred yards of a human, now they follow us everywhere. They block the gate, head bump our knees trying to get food, and simply refuse to leave us alone. And their favorite pastime is looking for trouble. Two of them ripped out their ear tags, one of them tried to climb the fence and scraped up its nose, and all three bloated after eating hay too quickly. Have you ever dealt with a bloating lamb? You have to stick a tube down its throat and pour in liquid treatment, then rub its distended belly until it burps and walk it for twenty minutes. At least we’re getting some great “life” experiences.
Okay, enough about the lambs. WE HAVE LEAVES! Even on the transplanted trees. They’re not yet fully developed, but they’re getting there.
And we are getting rain. Blessed, wonderful rain. Last year’s drought was awful, and we really need the moisture and all the beauty it brings. Like this pretty double rainbow we spotted outside our window yesterday evening.
On the writing front, I finished beta reading and am making improvements to PREDATOR. I still need to decide what to do with the cover, and with publication in October, time is ticking. If you have any ideas, I’d love to hear them! Main subjects in this book include: mountain lions, biology, death, running, journals, and veterinary medicine (and a little romance, of course). Sound like a fun book? I think so. I just wish I could decide what image to put on the front!
Another YA suspense I’m working on is titled CAMP SURVIVAL. I’m on the third draft, which I’m combing through with the help of my favorite critique group. This critique group works differently than beta readers. We are few, but active and very supportive. Each week, we post a chapter to a group page, then critique each other’s work. It’s a great way to develop what I call “rhino skin”, or the ability to accept criticism without getting offended (which I find is very necessary in this profession).
Well, there you have it. An update on life and books. Until next time!